Tuesday, 10 January 2017



Linux is quite possibly the most important free software achievement. It has been developed into an operating system for business, education and personal productivity. Linux (pronounced with a short I, as in LIH-nucks) is a UNIX operating system clone. 

UNIX is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide because of its large support base and distribution. It was originally developed at AT&T as a multitasking operating system for minicomputers and mainframes in the 1970’s, but has since grown to become one of the most widely used operating systems. Linux is a free version of UNIX developed by LINUS TORVALDS at the university of Helsinki in Finland.
About Linux
It was Mr. Linus Torvalds who is originally developed Linux as a hobby project. Minix, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum, inspired it. The Linux kernel uses no code from AT&T or any other proprietary source. On October 5, 1991, Linus announced the first “official” version of Linux, which was version 0.02.
Famous Linux Distributions
There are millions of Linux distributions of Linux. The following are the famous Linux distribution:
1-      Red Hat Linux
2-      SuSe Linux
3-      Caldera Linux
4-       Mandrake Linux
5-      Open Linux
6-      Aryabhat Linux
7-      Ubuntu
8-      Fedora Linux
Why Using Linux?
         Linux is a UNIX like operating systems
         Multi-user, Multi-tasking and Multi-Processor Support
         There are no royalty or license fees “A Linux Distribution has thousands of dollars’ worth of software for no cost or a couple of dollars if purchased on CD/DVD “
         Software Development Supports
         Linux runs on nearly any CPU
         Linux works very well as a personal computer UNIX for the desktop
         Linux works well for server operations
         X-Window system (An excellent window system called X)

Basic Commands

         Ls        - Listing the file and directory
         man     -Help
         pwd     -Present working directory
         mkdir   -Creating Directory
         cd        -Changing the directory
         rmdir   -To remove the directory
         rm –r   -To remove the directory
         rm        -To remove the file.
         wc       -To view the no, of lines (l) ,  no, of word (w), no, of characters (c) in file
         mv       -To move the file
         cp         -To copy the file and directory
         grep         -To search for the string
         hostname murali – To change the hostname in murali
         exit           -To logout M/C
         logout       - To logout M/C
          clear        - To clear the screen
         Who        -  who logged in to our system currently
         whoami           - To show the current user
         tty                    - To show the current terminals
         echo                 - To display the typed message
         wall                 - To send the broadcast message
         Write               - To send the message in particular user
         date                 - To show the date and time
         cal                   - To show the calendar 
         bc                    - Calculator


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